Ever had a mocktail before and wondered" How does this thing taste this good?!" Well, it is all down to creativity. You walk to the lounge with your lover ready to order a sparkling glass of a tasteful mocktail, the bar lady asks and you say you want a Long Island Tea. While simple as maybe, the lady will have to mix the ingredients laid up in the wine storage with great care and unmatched chemistry skills! Yes, too much tequila or baurbon mixed up in
your drink or you risk having a nightmare. Lace the drink with unequal ingredients and the drink tastes crappy. Miss one of the vital ingredient and , it's a diferent taste. So what does she have to do? Try putting the same drink in a slicky looking glass, some ice cubes and a slice of lemon on the brim you bearly tell the difference (Not that any restaurant should ever do this LOL). Perception is creativity inert and it's vital to use different views of reality to find a creative space. Try doing something new and find a creative way of been you. Do what you always love doing and experiment with different perceptions of how that thing works, tastes or feels and find a creative loop to bring out something new from the old.